Mohit Chashmalaya

Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are miraculous pieces of plastic that allow you to see without the stogy look of glasses. In many cases, contact lenses are used as a substitute for glasses. Contact lenses may also be used to treat certain eye diseases or for cosmetic purposes to change the apparent color of your eyes.

Contact Lens Categories

Daily Disposable

Bi-weekly Disposable Lenses

Daily wear

Cosmetic Contact

Contact Lens Brands



Ey- Art

Our Top Products





When & why to choose sunglasses?

Improved Viewing Ease

Most contact lenses are designed to correct refractive errors such as astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia. There are also specialty lenses designed for special needs. Scleral lenses, for example, have a larger diameter and are therefore ideal for people with corneal irregularities.

Smooth Eye Comfort

Thanks to modern technologies, today there are contact lenses made of different materials to maintain the health and comfort of your eyes. Hybrid contact lenses, for example, combine the best features of hard and soft contact lenses. Their core is made of a resistant material that provides sharp vision, while the soft lens shell reduces visual difficulties.

Wider Visual Access

Because contact lenses are placed directly on the cornea, you have unrestricted central and peripheral visual access. Wearing contact lenses is also associated with a reduction in image distortion and glare.

Feeling Of Normalcy

When wearing contact lenses, you enjoy a sense of normalcy. Since they fit securely on your eyes, you can go about your daily tasks or hobbies. Even water splashes, fog or water vapour cannot affect your vision, making the lenses suitable for any weather.

Aesthetic Perks

Another advantage of contact lenses is that they come in different colors. This gives you the opportunity to see how you would look if you had different eye colors. However, with costume contact lenses, we advise you to consult your eye doctor first. We can check if the lenses are safe, and thus reduce the risk of complications when wearing the lenses.

So what are you waiting for? Visit Mohitchashmalaya and get the best glasses you deserve, all this at a great price.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.